Thursday, June 4, 2009

My first blog

Everyone I know has a blog these days.I love looking at all the cool things everyone posts. My favorite blog is the one my husband Dan writes but I keep finding myself saying "Danny why didn't you write about my birthday?" or "why haven't you posted the video of Tristan rolling over yet?". The truth is my husband is a busy guy with lots of projects going on. If I want people to see the new video of our son and spend any quality time with Danny I need to be the one posting it. I am not a good writer like Dan and and most of our friends and Family but who needs to be a good writer when they have pictures of a baby boy as cute as my son. So here is a picture I took of him yesterday learning how to sit. I hear your not spost to prop a baby up until they are old enough to sit but it was just for a couple seconds and it was too cute.


  1. Welcome to the blog world! So excited to have you! :) Tristan is so cute. I had never heard that about not propping a baby up...there are too many rules these days. And you're a great writer, whacha talkin' 'bout? Keep it up! See you soon. :)

  2. welcome to the blog-verse :-)
